Dean Christie - Headshots
Before I first met Dean I wasn’t sure what to expect. In most of his pictures that I’ve seen, he looked really tough and I could really see him as someone who would play the villain in a movie. But after chatting with him, Dean turned out to be really friendly and funny, full of determination and drive but with both feet on the ground at the same time. He knew what he wanted from our session and I really wanted to make his vision come true. He asked me to create headshots that will look more friendly and approachable than his previous ones, photos that will help him get casting auditions for a role of someone like the perfect dad.
He also agreed to answer a few questions that I prepared for him.
How did you get into acting?
I never did any acting until I was 40,
I went on a four day course at The poor school and was offered a place on their 2 year course and I accepted.
Who is your agent?
My agent is The lovely Sam Tooby at Simon & How.
What do you think makes a good portrait?
I think it’s about being relaxed with the photographer and just let it happen and to trust.
Do you have a favourite photographer, if yes who is it?
My favourite photographer that’s easy Maciek Krula!!
Seriously Terry O'Neil , his work is just amazing.
What is your favourite movie and in few words why?
That’s a hard one,
But I go with “Once upon a time in America”
Great story,
Great actors,
Great score,
Just incredible.
Is there anything about you that someone would never suspect you of?
Any advice that you’d give to starting actors?
Just work hard;
Expect nothing;
and prepare for everything;
Just enjoy it.
Dean’s Agent: SIMON & HOW
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